Copy Cat

Sturdy Shapeshifting Electric Troopers

My kid has been watching Power Rangers. I’ve been reading a bunch of fighting manga. I’ve been playing For Honor. I have close combat on the brain. I wanted to create a hand-to-hand combat system that could be dropped into any game. Like a mini game almost, once your characters meet and engage, it could play out with these rules.

I also want to low-key make a Power Rangers game that does that poor series some justice.

He gets it.

Sturdy Shapeshifting Electric Troopers Close Combat Rules

Each Trooper starts combat with the following stats:

5 Max Stamina Points

Each round of combat is turn-based and resolves for both players concurrently.

The players will make the following choices for each round.


High – Mid – Low


Attack – Defend

Each attack action costs one stamina point. Each defend action restores one stamina point.

Successful attacks reduce stamina points by one or one-half points.

The first player to exhaust their stamina is defeated.

Resolving Combat

To resolve combat each player needs to roll the same sided die. Whether 1d8 or 1d20, that part is less important than the results of the two rolled against each other.

Attack vs Attack

Same Zone

Both players take one stamina damage. Higher roll gives double damage.

Separate Zones

Both players take damage. Lower roll gives half damage.

Attack vs Defense

Same Zone

Countered. If defending player has higher roll, give one stamina point damage to the attacker.

Separate Zones

Defended. If attacker rolls higher, give one point damage to defender.

Defense vs Defense

Both players regain one stamina.


I am going to test this out and keep updating this page. I could be used for any close combat, martial arts, or melee weaponry. I chose a single stat and neutral dice options so that it could be added into any game that it might be fun with. If you play it, let me know @catwargames on twitter.

It’s Morphin’ Time!

Playtesting / Stuff to Change

Five stamina may be too low for a fun game, but I think it will for quicker decision making because, it could be over in a couple of rounds.

Stamina may differ with separate characters. What about a big guy vs a small guy. How do you account for speed and strength while maintaining a single stat.

Attack and defense dice could differ, maybe that also helps answer the question above.

What about two on one situations? Could a revenge system of temporary invulnerability be introduced?

Would you like me to email you stuff like this? Maybe we could exchange emails, and really hit it off. One day we meet by chance, but was it really by chance? Of course we fall immediately in love with each other and then destroy our lives and careers in the throes of passion. In the end, you’ll leave me here, back where I started, alone, asking for your email address:






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